Our Services

Vapor Ilhas doesn't see impossible, sees challenges

Project and construction monitoring


Vapor Ilhas has a team of professionals made up of mechanical and civil engineers, designers and preparers that allow us to develop customized projects for our clients.

Work supervision

The quality of the Vapor Ilhas's service translates into close monitoring of each work so as to ensure the satisfaction of our customers

Metallic structures

Structures, Roofs and Facades

Design, supply and assembly of metal structures with CE marking in accordance with EN1090

Modular construction

The modular construction, due to the fact of betting on a BIM project and pre-fabrication, allows optimization in several areas namely:

* Optimization of resources: raw materials, labor and equipment.

* Execution periods: controlled and extremely fast works that allow early start of exploitation;

* Reliable financial schedules: with fewer surprises during the course of the work.

Ladders, footbridges, bridges and mezzanines

Design, manufacture and assembly with CE marking

Industrial services


Design and installation of steam, water, air and flue gas lines.

Insulations and Cladding

Manufacture and assembly of chimneys

Industrial Motors

Installation and maintenance of gas and diesel engines in thermoelectric power stations and cogeneration plants

Special Equipment

Varied installations of industrial equipment 

Vapor Ilhas provides support services in the industrial area, whether in the manufacture of catalytic converters, assembly of hoists, cable cars or installation of any specialized equipment. 

Vapor Islands does not see impossible, sees challenges

Metalworking Services

Locksmith services

We manufacture, alter and recover handrails, gates, doors, grilles, etc.  

note: Did you know that even handrails should have CE marking to ensure a controlled manufacture in order to ensure the safety of people?

Surface Treatment of Steel

Vapor Ilhas has a factory with an abrasive jet pickling, plating and painting cabins in compliance with current legislation.

Treatments according to ISO8501 on pickling, plating according to ISO2063 and paints according to ISO12944